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OER Author Panel

OER Author Panel

Join us for a conversation with UK faculty about their experiences writing open educational resources! The panelists represent a range of departments and are all recipients of the OER Grant Program. They will describe their projects, discuss the realities of the work, and share advice for those considering authoring OER.

The panel will be held March 5, 2pm-3pm on Zoom. Register here.

Panelists include:

  • Dr. Kera Ackerman is an Assistant Professor of Special Education. Her research interests include training and coaching pre-service teachers through structured practice-based opportunities for explicit instruction, engagement, and feedback. She is interested in teacher productivity and the use of evidence-based and high leverage practices in resource and co-taught instructional settings.
  • Dr. Juan Fernandez-Cantero is a Lecturer in the Department of Hispanic Studies. He specializes in teaching Spanish for the professions.
  • Dr. Melanie Beals Goan is a UK Professor of History, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of the UK BLUE 3+3 BA to Law Program. Her research interests and teaching focus include twentieth century U.S. history, Kentucky history, gender, and the history of health care.
  • Dr. Priscila Llamosa is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the College of Social Work. Her scholarship focuses on using open pedagogical strategies to increase epistemic justice, the relationships between open and critical pedagogies, and their effects on engagement and belonging among students and social work practitioners of minoritized identities.
  • Dr. Winter Phong is an Assistant Professor of Arts Administration at UK, specializing in community-based arts practice and engagement. She employs IDEAS for Change, expanding opportunities for participation, representation, and recognition while removing barriers to ensure accessibility and sustainability. Her ongoing work focuses on supporting her disability community through arts engagement while exploring technology, financial management, and fundraising in arts administration.

The OER Author Panel is a collaboration between UK Libraries and the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT).

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Everyone Faculty
Featured Speaker

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Affordable Course Content Librarian

Affordable Course Content Librarian

Liaison to Mathematics and Statistics

Email: ACCLibrarian@l.uky.edu